We are pleased to share a communications toolkit for community health centers to support COVID vaccination outreach. These materials focus on addressing vaccine hesitancy. You can find the full toolkit here.
The toolkit includes:
COVID-19 Workforce Resources PDF
HCA Guidance on Billing Telehealth Scenarios
FCC Telehealth Funding Program
The CARES Act provided $200 million to the FCC to help health care providers provide connected care services to patients at their homes or mobile locations in response to current crisis. The funds provide immediate support to eligible health care providers responding to the COVID-19 pandemic by fully funding their telecommunications services, information services, and devices necessary to provide critical connected care services until the program’s funds have been expended or the COVID-19 pandemic has ended. The FCC has indicated it does not expect to make grants larger than $1 million.
The application opened last week and FCC is awarding these dollars on a rolling basis, so if you are interested in applying, it’s best to do so as soon as possible. The FCC has already announced two rounds of funding and both of them included grants to CHCs.
You can learn more and submit applications here. If you have a question about how to apply for the FCC’s $200 million COVID-19 program, please email Rashann Duvall or Hayley Steffen.
In response to the COVID-19 pandemic, the WA State Benefit Exchange is offering a special open enrollment period for those who qualify and need insurance. This special enrollment period is open until May 8, 2020 (previously was April 8 but has been extended an additional month). Please contact their Customer Support Center (1-855-923-4633) between 7:30am-5:30pm Monday-Friday, or see a local certified navigator or broker.
Language assistance is also available during this process at no additional cost. Reminder: Enrollment for Medicaid (aka WA Apple Health) can be done at any point in the year and does NOT require a special open enrollment period. For questions on this coverage please visit https://www.wahbexchange.org/.
U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) announced that testing, prevention, or treatment for COVID-19, will NOT be used against immigrants in a public charge test. Click here for more information.
Resources for Washington’s Immigrant Communities During COVID-19 – Created by CHPW with place for CHC to add logo and co-brand as desired.
Immigrant-specific COVID-19 Assistance and FAQ – Collected by El Comite, Northwest Immigrant Rights Project and Office of Immigrant Refugee Affairs
The Health Care Authority is actively pursuing Medicaid Waivers and other authorities to reduce barriers to coverage and care, and has expanded its emergency Medicaid program to cover COVID-19 related testing and care regardless of immigration status.
COVID-19 public health recommendations available in 15 languages – Public Health, Seattle & King County
Healthcare access for Undocumented Folks in the Time of COVID-19 – A state-specific health care resources for undocumented individuals by United We Dream
Update on Access to Health Care for Immigrants and Their Families – National Immigration Law Center
Sample procedures for health center drive-thru clinic PDF – NACHC, 3/19/2020
SPANISH VERSION – Sample procedures for health center drive-thru clinic PDF – NACHC, 3/19/2020
Inslee prohibits WA State from leaving their homes or participating in social, spiritual, recreational gatherings, 3/23/2020
All Proclamations
Governor Inslee details on healthcare worker licensing waiving certain statutes and rules due to COVID-19 pandemic and is, “… approved to be extended until the COVID-19 State of Emergency of May 4, 2020, whichever occurs first.”
Washington State Coronavirus Response
Washington State HCA: COVID-19 Information
Chris Koppen – COVID-19 Presentation
COVID-19 Partner Toolkit from WA Health Benefit Exchange including one pagers, talking points, social media material, digital ads, PSAs, and more.
Flexibilities in Who Can Order Home Health Services
HRSA guidance and portal to reimbursement for Covid testing of uninsured patients.
Celebrate Community Health Centers Working to Improve Health for All, Arcora News, August 2020
A COVID ‘silver lining’: You can start drug treatment over the phone – and more people are starting to, The Seattle Times, 8/10/2020
Seattle Indian Health Board installs phone booths to boost homeless access to telemedicine, Puget Sound Business Journal, 8/7/2020
Seattle Indian Health Board’s Covid Response, KUOW | 12 minutes, 8/3/2020
Preserve dental benefits for our most vulnerable citizens, The Seattle Times | Opinion, 8/3/2020
For community health clinics, one medical crisis could cause another, Crosscut, 6/11/2020
Opinion | David Olson: Compassion and respect for all, The Wenatchee World, 6/4/2020
On the Front Lines: Community health centers play a vital role in the age of COVID-19, The Progressive, June/July 2020 Issue
Editorial: Next stimulus package needs to help community health centers, Yakima Herald, 5/22/2020
The Health Clinic Crisis on Main Street, Nautilus, 5/20/2020
Community health centers face budget shortfalls because of COVID-19 pandemic, Yakima Herald, 5/16/2020
Washington hospitals, community health centers face a new crisis: red ink, The Seattle Times, 5/4/2020
Lost jobs mean lost health care for 1,000s in Everett area, Herald Net, 5/4/2020
Community health centers at risk for widespread closures, layoffs, Puget Sound Business Journal, 5/1/2020
Unless additional help is given CVCH, Okanogan Family Health Centers facing financial devastation, The Wenatchee World, 4/29/2020
Opinion | Could COVID-19 be the death of Washington’s community health resources?, The Wenatchee World, 4/28/2020
The curious case of Latinos and Covid-19, KUOW, 4/27/2020
Volunteers help Union Gospel Mission find a solution for quarantining first confirmed coronavirus case, Yakima Herald, 4/26/2020
Financial impacts of COVID-19 may force over half of community health centers in WA to close, State of Reform, 4/23/2020
The state of our state’s coronavirus fight, The Seattle Times, 4/12/2020
As farm work carries on, some worry about becoming Washington state’s new coronavirus epicenter, The Seattle Times, 4/12/2020
This health center is losing $1M a month because dental services are shut down – Puget Sound Business Journal, 4/7/2020
Just When They’re Needed Most, Clinics for the Poor Face Drastic Cutbacks, The New York Times, 4/4/2020
Washington state tribes, allies mobilize to gather medical protection needed in coronavirus fight, Seattle Times, 4/3/2020
Coronavirus spells financial trouble for health clinics serving low-income communities, Crosscut, 4/2/2020
For health care workers fighting COVID-19, crisis spurred innovation, PBS News Hour, 3/31/2020
Under Financial Strain, Community Health Centers Ramp Up For Coronavirus Response, NPR, 3/24/2020
Local View: Celebrate Affordable Care Act anniversary, The Columbian, 3/22/2020
‘We won’t turn people away’: Drive-thru COVID-19 screening in Spokane loosens criteria, The Spokesman-Review, 3/21/2020
Opinion| Elected officials in Chelan and Douglas counties: ‘Next week is especially crucial in stemming the spread of the coronavirus’, The Wenatchee World, 3/19/2020
Health care systems for vulnerable communities face unique challenges amid coronavirus outbreak, The Seattle Times, 3/18/2020
Community health centers are on the front lines amid COVID-19 outbreak, KUOW, 3/18/2020
Coronavirus adds to strain of Washington health care providers, KOMO News, 3/17/2020